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The Urban Chocolatier

Ganed The Urban Chocolatier o agwedd grefftus at gelato a patisserie. Maen nhw’n gwneud blasau gelato syfrdanol â llaw, yn rhydd o gynhwysion artiffisial, gan warantu ffresni bob tro. Gwneir y gelato â llaw gan ddefnyddio dull Eidalaidd traddodiadol a chynhwysion ffres. Y canlyniad yw gelato syfrdanol, llawn blas gwych a gwead anhygoel. Mae’r Urban…

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Giggling Squid

Giggling Squid is all about food with personality, cooked with expertise and shared with Thai generosity. At their heart is the spirit of Thai mealtimes – plentiful dishes, bold flavours and exotic ingredients – to be shared and enjoyed together. They started in 2002 from a determination to do things differently. To be one of…

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